Why HireMagic Is Good For Your Organisation

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360 Degree Visibility


Aesthetically and ergonomically designed UI to provide complete visibility across the entire hiring process with minimal interactions. From Candidate information to Team Member performance, everything is available in a simple yet powerfully insightful visuals.

Updates At A Glance

Right from the Dashboard to Reports, every facet of the HireMagic system is designed keeping in mind principles of good Information Architecture design. That means you don't have to go looking here and there for the information you need to see. Most of it will either be right in front of you or a quick global search away.

Information At Your Fingertips

  • Pipeline status of Positions in process. See how many candidates are in what stages of the process.
  • Overall utilisation including Positions by Active, Closed, Delayed and Hold status
  • Quick view on upcoming interviews
  • Quick video of latest Screening & Interview Recordings
  • Global search across Positions, Candidates, Interviewers, Feedback etc.

Emotion AI Powered Screening


Didn't we all sometimes feel that it would be great if we could read the minds of prospective candidates? While we cannot really "read" their minds, with our patented FaceAI powered screening, HireMagic gives you deep insights into the real time mind state of a candidate while they are being evaluated.

Add to that the advantage of introducing a self-recorded video interview with questions which are customised to the role and you get an output which allows far more screening capability than doing a conventional keyword filtering on resume documents. Just a quick review of a Screening recording can help filter out the top 10% applicants with less time and effort required than to screen a dozen resumes!

Face AI

Face AI works by taking micro-measurements of facial expressions across 70+ unique points on the human face and then using a Deep Convoluted Neural Network to process those measurements, it provides insights into the various emotional states a person is undergoing using standard theories of human psychology. So while it is not mind-reading, it does help by showing the kind of emotions that a person is feeling during an interaction.

Face AI is fully GDPR compliant and does not store any personally identifiable information, processing only numeric data from facial measurements.

Powerful Screening

Use the HireMagic Screening to quickly shortlist the most capable and suitable candidates with 80% less effort than the traditional way of scanning resumes for keywords and doing primary phone based calling.

  • Post the Screening URL on any job site or online platform to allow candidates to self-register and Screen without any HR intervention or effort.
  • Customise Screening questions by Position, basing them on functional expertise, professional achievements and other relevant factors for highly effective selection.
  • Screening works as an Intent Filter, discouraging non-serious candidates from applying, reducing the amount of wasteful evaluation time and effort.
  • Get almost instantaneous understanding of the candidates personability, communication skills and ability to articulately respond to position relevant questions.
  • Use Face AI insights to evaluate responses, reducing falsification and inaccurate claims of education, professional achievements etc.
  • Share Screening recordings with various stakeholders for faster narrowin down of candidate pool rather than conducting large number of preliminary interviews.

Interviews powered by Face AI


Supplement your evaluation and instincts about a candidate with real time inputs from Face AI during a HireMagic online interview. Video based interviewing just got kicked up to a whole new level.

Why Face AI In Interviews?

Interviewing is more art than science. It takes years of interactions for an individual to learn the ability to not only evaluate the answers being given by a candidate but also pick up on the sub-text, body language, facial expressions and arrive at the reality behind the person. And not everyone can do this to the same level!

Here is where Face AI helps the interviewer understand the candidate better. With a real time feed of the emotional state of mind of the candidate, it becomes much easier for the interviewer to assess and evaluate the veracity of the responses from the candidate, leading to much better selection outcomes.

Insightful Interviews

Interviews on HireMagic are not only easy to schedule, conduct and evaluate, they bring a wider set of advantages to the organisation helping reduce time, effort and cost in the interviewing process while still leading to higher quality selections.

  • Seamless experience for Candidates & Interviewers! No downloads, no apps, no device constraints, no operating system limitations... Just click and you're in the room.
  • Highly intuitive UI with full HD video, collaboration tools like chat, whiteboard, Q&A etc.
  • Real Time Face AI insights for the Interviewer showing candidate emotion state during responses.
  • Single or Multiple Interviewers capability
  • Templatised Feedback allowing standardisation and ease of evaluation

Comprehensive Candidate Records


It takes a single glance to see the entire journey of a candidate in the recruiting process, from dates of key events to feedbacks given to analytics data in the HireMagic candidate timeline.

And with customisable data fields for the candidate information for each Position, focus only on whats important for selection and shortlisting without wasting time and effort in filling out lengthy profile pages.

You Control The Information!

Different positions require different sets of candidate information for evaluation. Yet most Application Tracking Systems (ATS) work on a single candidate profile template leading to either wasted effort in filling up redundant information fields or having to scroll through lengthy pages of blank data.

HireMagic allows you to choose which information fields are important for which position and only those fields are then shown and filled for filtering or selection.

A Page With A View!

A quick look at a Candidate's unique page gives you all the information you need for selecting the candidate. Arranged in a highly intuitive timeline form, every key information point is literally at your fingertips.

  • Customise specific information fields to be filled for each Candidate for every Position
  • Timeline view with complete candidate chronology in the assessment process with dates, feedback, recordings, Face AI data etc.
  • Search/Filter/Sort on any parameter from any page.
  • Share Candidate Page with any internal or external Stakeholders for them to review data, recordings and more and provide their Feedback

Use Your Brand!


You can customise the entire platform with your organisations brand identity, giving your prospective employees a higher degree of confidence and brand appreciation.

The Importance of Branding

We won't really presume to talk about the importance of Branding. You know how good branding across the Candidate journey can give a higher degree of confidence and brand impression to prospective employees and help attrach good candidates.

HireMagic gives you a huge degree of freedom in branding the entire platform into your brand identity, from user interfaces to communications and all.

White Label Completely!

The platform is designed to allow deep White Labelling capabilities, enhancing the brand impression that the candidate and also interviewers and users perceive.

  • Brand the url and all web pages with your organisations logo and color schemes.
  • Customise the Screening and Interview UI with your brand identity.
  • Customisable Email/Messaging templates for Candidate and Interviewer interactions and notifications.